Ellen Riojas Clark

DECEMBER 13, 2023 -在线赌博平台有荣誉教授和受人尊敬的学者 Ellen Riojas Clark, Ph.D. with the creation of The Ellen Riojas Clark, Ph.D. Endowed Chair in Bicultural-Bilingual Studies. The endowed chair, 由教育与人类发展学院和里奥哈斯·克拉克家族建立, 美国的第一个双文化双语研究主席是以拉丁裔学者命名的吗.

The Ellen Riojas Clark, Ph.D. 捐赠主席将表彰克拉克杰出的学术和教学,以及她对传统上服务不足人口的教育需求的承诺.

"I am deeply honored by this recognition. My journey at 在线博彩 has been filled with endeavors to uplift my community, 倡导双文化和双语教育,营造一个让每个学生都感到被重视和被赋权的环境,” expressed Clark. “This endowed chair, beyond being a personal milestone, will serve as encouragement for Latino scholars everywhere, 提醒他们,他们的贡献是无价的,未来确实是光明的."

参加新捐赠主席宣布的著名社区领导人包括圣安东尼奥第一夫人 Erika Prosper; San Antonio’s first Latina Councilwoman, María Antonietta Berriozábal; world-renowned writer, speaker, storyteller and poet Carmen Tafolla and Latino businessman, artist and author Lionel Sosa.

“It is a great honor for 在线博彩 to be able to recognize Dr. 克拉克对双文化双语研究的重大贡献,以及她在创造高等教育发展机会方面的巨大影响,” Karl Miller-Lugo, 在线博彩 vice president for advancement and alumni engagement. “这再次证明了我们社区在推进大学作为西班牙裔服务机构的使命方面发挥的关键作用.”

clark-rojas-2_680-2.png四十多年来,克拉克一直是大学社区不可或缺的一部分. She graduated from 在线博彩 with her master’s degree in 1974, was named a Title VII Coordinator for the university in 1978, 然后成为一名教授,在接下来的42年里,他一直在推进双文化双语研究和拉丁裔教育. 同时,她还通过各种努力倡导公平和社会正义.

"The net effect of Dr. Riojas Clark对在线博彩和圣安东尼奥社区的贡献是不可估量的,当人们看到她对教育的影响时, art, literature and culture. By establishing this chair in her name, 我们既颂扬她无与伦比的遗产,也颂扬她几十年来在提升圣安东尼奥西班牙裔社区的声音和塑造这座城市的文化认同方面发挥的充满活力和影响力的作用,” said Mario Torres, dean of the 在线博彩 College of Education and Human Development. “This endowed chair is a tribute to her determination, dedication, and tremendous influence she's had on countless lives."

Over her 42-year tenure at the university, Clark mentored countless students, colleagues, and faculty. 她作为学生组织的指导老师,如在在线博彩的双语教育学生组织和MEChA指导年轻的领导者. 许多学生认为克拉克鼓励他们追求自己的学术目标,并加深对自己身份的理解, 以及批判性地思考他们自己对周围社区的影响.

克拉克一直积极参与媒体制作,如开创性的PBS儿童动画系列, “Maya & Miguel,” where she served as the content director. 她还制作了纪录片系列,“拉丁裔艺术家说话:探索我是谁”.”

Since retirement, Clark has primarily focused her work in the cultural studies arena, which includes projects with rebozos, huipiles, pan dulce and calaveras.

"Throughout her distinguished career at 在线博彩, Dr. Clark has epitomized excellence in scholarship, mentorship, and advocacy. The creation of The Ellen Riojas Clark, Ph.D. 捐赠主席加强了在线博彩对支持所有人接受高等教育的声音的承诺,” said Heather Shipley, 在线博彩’s interim provost and senior vice president for academic affairs. “We're incredibly proud to honor Dr. 并强调女性和西班牙裔社区在高等教育中发挥的重要作用."


“增加捐赠椅子对于在线博彩作为一级研究型大学的持续发展尤为重要, 因为这些职位对于招聘和留住致力于学术研究的高素质教师至关重要, teaching and service to the community,” said 在线博彩 President Taylor Eighmy. “The Clark chair is a wonderful example of this and a tribute to Dr. Clark’s impact to the Academy.”