
Regional Scripps Spelling Bee to give young competitors a look at college life

Regional Scripps Spelling Bee to give young competitors a look at college life

2024年3月26日 现在是地区蜜蜂的季节,也是当地顶尖的K-8th grade spellers are heading to the 在线博彩 Main Campus to compete in a Scripps Regional Spelling Bee on Saturday, 3月30日.

Hosted by the 在线博彩教育与人类发展学院 (COEHD), 地区比赛将于上午10点开始.m. 在主楼礼堂(mb0.104), bringing many young spellers to a college campus for the first time.

在线博彩 125 schools from San Antonio 和 surrounding areas held school spelling bees to earn a spot in the regional competition. 在线博彩是13所大学之一, community organizations 和 local businesses in the state to partner with Scripps to host a regional spelling bee.

“Being a part of the Scripps Regional Spelling Bee is another way we can help promote education 和 academic 卓越 in our communities.”

“After the school champions complete their online qualifying test, the top 40-45 students across the region will be chosen to participate in the regional bee at 在线博彩,” 贝琳达弗洛, associate dean of professional preparation 和 partnerships in COEHD.

她补充说, “当斯克里普斯向我们提出要成为合伙人时, we thought this was a great opportunity because it aligns with the university’s mission. 在线博彩 is committed to community engagement 和 being a part of the Scripps Regional Spelling Bee is another way we can help promote education 和 academic 卓越 in our communities.”

在线博彩 alumni are stepping up to help support the event by serving as judges.

捐款人包括前校友 丽贝卡马丁·萨利纳斯, H-E-B 和 SugarBee® Apples, which will be providing sliced samples of its apples.

“SugarBee® Apples proudly supports the bee 和 its regional events in its mission to illuminate pathways to lifelong curiosity, 庆祝学术成就,丰富社区,” 朱莉·德·贾纳特他是SugarBee品牌战略经理. “With exceptional crispness 和 deliciously sweet flavor, 蜜糖苹果是给蜜蜂补充能量的最佳选择.”

Regional competitions across the country this year will help determine which young spellers will go on to compete nationally in Washington, D.C. 5月. Bee Week will take place from May 27 through May 31 at the Gaylord National Harbor Resort & 会议中心.

金竖琴, 斯克里普斯全国拼字大赛的开发经理, said partnerships with community organizations are critical.

“没有像在线博彩这样的合作伙伴, 我们不会有本地的拼字比赛, which can provide a wonderful opportunity for students to learn a variety of skills outside the classroom,”她说。. “It’s really a win-win for our partners who are able to connect with young students.” 

⇒ 了解更多在线博彩 斯克里普斯全国拼字比赛.

作为历史最悠久的学术竞赛, 斯克里普斯全国拼字比赛 will celebrate its 100th anniversary next year, 竖琴说.


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