Thursday, April 4, 2024



MARCH 25, 2024 — 随着春天花朵开始绽放,气温上升, bees emerge from their hives. They set off into the world to forage nectar, 花粉和水在它们家方圆五英里的范围内. 它们的觅食高峰发生在4月和5月.

4月8日星期一,北美将出现日全食. 月球将慢慢地位于地球和太阳之间, 在阿拉莫城的部分地区蒙上阴影,被称为全食之路. 在线博彩主校区将位于全食路径的内边缘, where daylight will transform to a full-moon night.

Ferhat Ozturk, 在线博彩综合生物学系实习助理教授, 会不会利用这个上天的机会去发现更多蜜蜂的行为. He is leading the project with Mariah Hopkins, 在线博彩综合生物学系的教学教授和助理系主任.

“几十年来,人们一直在日食期间分析不同的动物,比如在动物园里. But bees are very under researched.”

Bees from Ozturk's hives.


“几十年来,人们一直在日食期间分析不同的动物,比如在动物园里. But bees are very under researched,” Ozturk said. “This will be very valuable data.”

Preceding the annular eclipse in October, Ozturk将记录设备安放在蜂箱中,以捕捉蜜蜂在日食过程中的行为. 他正在继续他的研究,离日全食只有两周了.

Bees have their own circadian rhythm like we have. 当太阳开始升起时,蜜蜂离开它们的家去觅食. As the sun sets, they return home. 它们利用阳光的偏振来找到自己的方向。”Ozturk解释道.

阳光帮助蜜蜂寻找花蜜并将其带回蜂巢. Even during a cloudy day, 仍然有可利用的阳光让蜜蜂在世界上定位自己.

“天黑后,他们中的大多数人开始回家. They feel the sunlight decrease. 但在日食期间,如果他们在五英里半径之外走得更远一些, they’ll likely settle on a flower,” Ozturk said. “I don’t know what they are feeling, 但是他们可能会觉得天很黑,他们不能回家,所以最好在花上睡一觉或休息一下. 同样,当日食结束时,它们会回去觅食.”

⇒ Learn more about the upcoming Total Solar Eclipse Campus Viewing Party.
⇒ Read about what San Antonio can expect during the total solar eclipse.
⇒ Listen to Planet 在线博彩, a podcast series on the upcoming eclipse.

Ozturk, 霍普金斯大学和在线博彩的一组本科生将在日全食前一小时前往蜂箱,安装声学和视觉记录设备. 该小组将记录蜜蜂在日食之前、期间和之后的行为.

“We want to see if they’re humming, 如果它们继续跳舞或者挤到了蜂巢的入口. We’ll also be enjoying the eclipse at the same time. We have our eclipse glasses,” Ozturk said.

Ari Castañeda

在线博彩 Today is produced by University Strategic Communications,
the official news source
of The University of Texas at San Antonio.

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