


2024年3月19日 在线博彩校际体育副主席 丽莎·坎波斯 在星期天宣布 奥斯汀克劳斯 他是路跑队男子篮球项目的第七任主教练. 克劳斯, who calls Houston his hometown 和 currently serves as an assistant coach at national power Alabama, 带领尼科尔斯以主教练的身份获得了南部联盟的两个冠军.  

“I am extremely excited to welcome 奥斯汀克劳斯 as our next head men’s basketball coach,坎波斯说. “He had great success as the head coach at Nicholls 和 has gained valuable experience at some of the top programs in the country. 他精力充沛,有着不懈的职业道德和很高的篮球智商.”

“真正让我印象深刻的是,当我们和人们谈论奥斯汀的时候, what kept coming up time 和 again was his unique ability to connect with people from all backgrounds 和 build great relationships,她接着说. “He is completely aligned with my vision 和 our values as a department 和 an institution. He will be a terrific leader of our student-athletes 和 I am confident he will elevate our program to new heights.”

“He will be a terrific leader of our student-athletes 和 I am confident he will elevate our program to new heights.”

他在阿拉巴马州的唯一一个赛季, 克劳斯 has helped the Crimson Tide to a 21-11 record 和 an Associated Press Top-25 national ranking. 阿拉巴马州目前排名第一. 在最新的NCAA网排名中排名第九.

"This is genuinely a dream come true being from Texas 和 growing up in this state,” 克劳斯 said. “I take a lot of pride in being a Texan 和 knowing the passion of the community as a whole. 在线博彩项目的潜力真的让我很兴奋. 我认为我们可以很长一段时间都很好, 但我不认为它会花很长时间变得很好. 我要感谢布朗博士. Eighmy,博士. 感谢坎波斯和整个行政部门. 我准备好开始工作了."

在尼科尔斯当了五个赛季的主教练, 克朗奇赢得了90场比赛, recorded a pair of 20-win seasons 和 directed the Colonels to Southl和 Conference regular-season championships in 2021 和 2022. 他是2020-21年度南区最佳教练. 克劳斯 served as the youngest head coach at the NCAA Division I level for three seasons (2018-21) 和 was named to ESPN’s 40 under 40 list for collegiate men’s basketball coaches in 2020.

这是克朗奇担任尼科尔斯队主教练的第二年, he took a team that was projected to finish 11th in the Southl和 Conference 和 secured 21 wins, 这是当时该项目历史上第四个20胜的赛季. 那个赛季包括战胜大西洋海岸联盟的对手匹兹堡.

In 2020-21, 克劳斯 led his team to the outright Southl和 Conference crown with a 14-2 league tally. 那个赛季,他执教了三名全南队的获奖者, 包括一线队和年度最佳新人 泰戈登. 一年后, he directed his squad to its second consecutive Southl和 Conference regular-season title 和 the program’s first-ever appearance in the National Invitation Tournament. 尽管球队的得分比去年下降了近70%, 克劳奇的上校队取得了21胜的赛季成绩. In 2022, Gordon became just the second player in school history to be named Southl和 Conference Player of the Year.

在担任尼科尔斯大学的主教练之前, 克劳斯 spent two years as an assistant coach for the Colonels under current South Alabama head coach 里奇·莱利. He worked closely with Riley on offensive 和 defensive schemes 和 game plans 和 coordinated all basketball camps.

克劳斯 was part of an historic 2017-18 campaign that included the most wins (21) since 1995 和 the best Southl和 Conference record (15-3) since 1998. 他每天一起训练的球员中有后卫 罗迪•彼得斯 (SLC年度最佳新人奖,SLC一线队) Jahvaughn鲍威尔 (最佳防守阵容) 拉斐特拉特里奇 (单赛季三分球纪录保持者 Tevon马具商 (全联盟第二阵容).

克朗奇在克莱姆森大学待了三个赛季, 两次作为研究生经理,一次作为助理教练, 他主要在那里为猛虎组织协调视频服务. 在加入克莱姆森之前, 2012-13赛季,他在乔治梅森大学担任球员发展总监.

克朗奇出生在阿根廷的布宜诺斯艾利斯,在休斯顿长大. He played high school basketball at Strake Jesuit College Preparatory as a three-year starter 和 a two-time team captain. 克朗奇曾两次获得斯特拉克的肯尼斯·麦格雷戈奖, 基于他在场上和场下的领导力和奉献精神.

了解更多在线博彩 奥斯汀克劳斯.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science with a minor in religion from Emory University in 2012. 克劳斯 earned a master’s degree in human resource development from Clemson University in August 2015.

克劳斯 was a four-year starter 和 two-time captain at NCAA Division III member Emory University from 2008-12. 他职业生涯助攻580次,场均助攻5次,在埃默里大学历史上排名第一.8)和上场时间(3132分钟). He was a three-time All-Conference First Team honoree at Emory 和 a member of the University Athletic Association’s 25th Anniversary Team.

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